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De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis Decompression

Also known as: De Quervain’s syndrome, De Quervain’s synovitis, De Quervain’s tenosynovitis surgery

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis Surgery is a surgical procedure used to treat the condition known as de Quervain’s syndrome. This condition is a form of inflammation of the tendons that run along the thumb side of the wrist. The treatment involves making a small incision in the skin over the thumb side of the wrist and then releasing the inflamed tendon sheath, which allows the tendon to move more freely and reduces inflammation and pain.


How much does De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis Decompression cost?

Surgical Time

30 mins


From £3500

Day Case



Local anaesthetic

Time off work

2 week

Time before showering

10 days


Why Choose Kliniken for De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis Decompression Surgery



Generous hour long consultations to discuss the best solution.

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Simple Process

Simple Process

A quick discussion over the phone, send over photos, questions and discussion, visit the clinic and treatment can be in same day.

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Great Location

Country side and clean air helps you rest and recuperate.

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Personal Touch

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Same clinician assigned to your from start to finish of your treatment.

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Attentive Care Plan

Personalised and attentive care throughout the surgery.

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Patients can typically have De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis Decompression performed and go home the same day.

Patients have the procedure under local anaesthetic.  

An incision is made on the thumb side of the wrist over the swelling.

This allows for the nerve giving sensation to the back of the hand to be moved aside, free the tunnel & so, allowing the tendon to move more easily.

The skin is closed with non-dissolving stitches and the hand dressed to protect the wound, but free enough to use when absolutely needed.

When patients come into the clinic, our UK-trained plastic surgeon makes a full assessment of the patient.

This includes any relevant history, including reasons for surgery and a thorough examination including both hands. 

Part of this process is explaining to the patients what can be done, why, and what to expect, based on each patients’ anatomy and suitability for surgery.

Patients who may have pain at the base of thumb near the level of the wrist on the back of the hand, with tenderness over the area and in some cases, swelling over that area and noticeable clicking associated. 

They may have any one or a number of these symptoms to suggest De Quervain’s tenosynovitis.

The swelling will have been removed as a result of surgery, so the area will be flatter than before.  

However, there will be a degree of swelling due to the operating and the local anaesthetic injection which will settle.

Immediately after surgery, each patient is seen by the senior physiotherapist who specialises in hand surgery patients, where they are given advice for what to look out for, what to expect and what can be done including exercise to help with rehabilitation. 

Patients can contact their team if they have any questions.

Patients are seen 10 days after surgery when the wounds are checked and stitches removed when the same physiotherapist will go through the exercises to help with rehabilitation after surgery.

For some patients, the problems may settle after rest. If this is not enough, patients may have used splints supplied by the GP or physiotherapists. 

They may have had steroid injections that can help in a large number of cases. The steroid injection may be done with or without ultrasound guidance.


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