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Gynaecomastia Surgery

Also known as: Male breast removal, Moobs surgery, Man boobs surgery

Gynaecomastia surgery is a surgical technique utilized to treat abnormal male breasts. Male breast enlargement is known as gynaecomastia.



How much does Gynaecomastia Surgery cost?

Surgical Time

1.5 - 2.5 hours



Day Case

Yes/ Occasionally overnight stay


Local Anaesthetic & Sedation OR General Anaesthetic

Time off work

2 weeks

Time before showering

48 hours

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Patients can typically have a gynaecomastia surgery performed and go home the same day, with occasionally an overnight stay.

Patients are can have the procedure under general anaesthetic, meaning that they are put to sleep.

The incision used for liposuction is made a short distance away from the area that has to be treated.

For removal of breast tissue, the incision is made around the lower half of the nipple at the junction between the pigmented nipple-areolar complex and the surrounding skin.

Removal of skin may need a combination including one that extends from around the nipple towards the outer part of the chest.

The incisions are closed with dissolving stitches and a waterproof dressing following gynaecomastia surgery.

Typically, male patients who have excess tissue around the chest.

This tends to be fat and some breast tissue but on occasion may include skin too.

In some cases, patients who have lost weight but the extra fat & breast tissue does not go.

Most patients need to be checked by the GP for other potential causes for the extra breast tissue in a man, which should be corrected before surgery.

When patients come into the clinic, a UK trained plastic surgeon with expert knowledge of what the patient seeks makes a full assessment.

The reasons sought for surgery are established and what they hope to achieve as a result of having gynaecomastia surgery.

Ensuring that correctable causes have been dealt with include thyroid dysfunction or drug use ensures outcomes will be optimised.

Assessment of the excess parts must be made as the type of surgery needed is dictated by this.

Those with extra fat may be dealt with by liposuction alone.

Those with extra fat & breast tissue will need liposuction and an incision around the nipple.

Finally those with extra fat, breast tissue & skin will need liposuction & an incision around the nipple that extends towards the other part of the chest.

Patients are put in a compression chest dressing after surgery to help support the healing process.

As soon as they are comfortable, patients will be able to notice the reduction in volume.

There will be some swelling but there should not be any pain.

Once safe, patients are let out of the clinic with close follow up arranged to ensure improvements would happen as anticipated.

In cases where correctable causes for male breast tissue have been treated, the remaining patients may use compression clothing to hide the extra tissue.

Alternatively, some patients may wear loose clothing to hide this, but in both cases, patients tend to be affected psychologically.

Attempts at using fat freezing may not be successful due to the breast tissue being tougher and so resistant to freezing.


Why Choose Kliniken for Gynaecomastia Surgery



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A quick discussion over the phone, send over photos, questions and discussion, visit the clinic and treatment can be in same day.

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Same clinician assigned to your from start to finish of your treatment.

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