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Minor Surgery Clinic

At Kliniken, we understand that skin is a reflection of your well-being. Throughout our lives, our skin protects us from a host of environmental conditions, which can result in changes. Sun exposure, dust, smoke, pollution and microorganisms are held at bay by our skin. Over time, we can develop a diverse range of skin issues, including acne and dull skin. This can often be addressed with readily available over-the-counter topical creams.

However, there are other conditions like non-cancerous lumps, moles, warts, scars and more serious skin cancers that demand a professional and specialised approach. Without extensive training, it can be difficult to know the difference.

Choose a location

We now offer surgery at multiple locations. Get your surgery done at a clinic close to you. Wherever you go we offer the same level of care and treatment.

Kliniken - Harrogate

Address: The Pine, Oakwood Park Business Centre, Fountains Road Harrogate HG3 3BF

Parking: Yes

Day Case: Yes

Bankfield Surgery - Huddersfield

Address: 15, Huddersfield Road, Elland HX5 9BA

Parking: Yes

Day Case: Yes

The Lake Clinic - Doncaster

Address: 104 Throne Road Doncaster DN2 5BJ

Parking: Yes

Day Case: Yes


Why choose Kliniken?

At Kliniken, you are seen and counselled by our team of Consultant Plastic Surgeons who can give you a diagnosis and, if required, an appropriate surgical plan. If it is the right thing to do, it is possible to offer treatment on the same day.

Instead of waiting many months, consider having treatment as soon as on the day, or for those who need more time, within a few weeks.

Lipomas (fatty lumps)

What is a Lipoma (fatty lump)?

Lipomas are benign, fatty growths that develop beneath the skin's surface. They are generally harmless and often do not require any medical intervention. However, it is essential to have any unusual lumps examined by a healthcare provider. Lipomas are quite common.

How is a Lipoma (fatty lump) treated at Kliniken?

They are removed surgically under local anaesthetic, after which they can be analysed in the labs.

What is the cost of treatment?

Consultation with a Consultant Plastic Surgeon£100
Single Lipoma Removal - Small£375
Single Lipoma Removal - Large£450
Single Lipoma Removal - Head/Forehead£550
Per Additional Lipoma£290


What is a Cyst?

Skin cysts are like bumps found under your skin which feel attached to it. They can have fluid or pus inside them. They can become uncomfortable but do not tend to hurt. Treatment involves removal of the whole swelling with the affected skin. Depending on where on the body and how long you have had them for, they can be as small as a pea or a few centimetres in diameter. If they get infected, they might become painful and turn red, during which time we would not recommend having surgery.

How is a Cyst treated at Kliniken?

They are removed surgically under local anaesthetic. The anaesthetic is used to numb the area around the cyst before it's cut out. You'll have a small scar around the widest length of the cyst itself, which tends to heal well. For more complex procedures patients you need to be assessed by a Consultant at least a week before the procedure date to determine the best course of action. This decision will be made at the initial consultation or for patients travelling from distance via our online consultation form.

What is the cost of treatment?

Consultation with a Consultant Plastic Surgeon£100
Single Cyst Removal - Small£350
Single Cyst Removal - Large£450
Single Cyst Removal - Head/Forehead£550
Per Additional Cyst£290

Skin tags

What is a Skin tag?

Skin tags are soft, skin-coloured growths that can appear on your skin. They're very common and usually harmless. Skin tags often match the colour of your skin or may be slightly darker. Some may look stuck on or as if they are hanging off your skin. They usually don't hurt and are not a big problem. Skin tags can be as small as a tiny dot or as big as a button. Sometimes, you might have just one, or you could have several of them.

You might find skin tags in places where your skin rubs together or in folds of your skin. Common areas include:
> Your neck
> Under your arms
> On your eyelids
> Beneath your breasts
> Around your bottom

How is a Skin tag treated at Kliniken?

They are removed surgically under local anaesthetic, after which they can be analysed in the labs, if appropriate.

What is the cost of treatment?

Consultation with a Consultant Plastic Surgeon£100
Surgical Skintag Removal£375
Additional Skintag Removal£250

(Seborrhoeic keratoses)

What are Warts?

Warts, also known as seborrheic keratoses, are non-cancerous skin growths that are quite common, especially as people get older. They appear as raised, round or oval bumps on the skin and can vary in colour, often ranging from brown to black, but they can also be tan, white, or flesh-coloured.

Warts are typically non cancerous and do not cause any pain or discomfort. They tend to have a waxy, scaly, or crusty surface and can look like they are stuck onto the skin. While they are generally harmless, some people choose to have them removed for cosmetic reasons or if they become irritated or itchy.

How is a wart treated at Kliniken?

They are removed surgically under local anaesthetic, after which they can be analysed in the labs, if appropriate.

What is the cost of treatment?

Consultation with a Consultant Plastic Surgeon£100
Surgical Wart Removal£375
Additional Surgical Wart Removal£290


What is a Mole?

Moles are like tiny, coloured spots on your skin. Lots of people have them, and usually, they're not a big deal unless they start to look different in size, shape, or colour.

Most of these harmless moles are either round or oval and have a smooth edge. Some may be flat or a little raised, and they can feel either smooth or slightly bumpy. Occasionally, they might have hair growing out of them. On brown or black skin, moles are often darker in colour.

How is a Mole treated at Kliniken?

They are removed surgically under local anaesthetic, after which they can be analysed in the labs, if appropriate.

What is the cost of treatment?

Consultation with a Consultant Plastic Surgeon£100
Surgical Mole Removal£375
Additional Surgical Mole Removal£290

Cherry angioma
(Discrete red spots)

What is a Cherry angioma?

A Cherry angioma, often referred to as discrete red spots, is a small, non cancerous skin growth. These growths are typically bright red in colour and appear as tiny bumps on the skin's surface. They can range in size from a pinhead to a small pea. Cherry angiomas are quite common and tend to increase in number in women and as people age.

These red spots are typically harmless and usually do not cause any pain or discomfort. While their exact cause is not always clear, they are thought to be related to blood vessels and often become more noticeable with age. Some people choose to have them removed for cosmetic reasons or if they bleed or become irritated.

How is Cherry angiomas treated at Kliniken?

They are removed surgically under local anaesthetic, after which they can be analysed in the labs, if appropriate.

What is the cost of treatment?

Consultation with a Consultant Plastic Surgeon£100
Very Minor Area£100
Minor Area£150
Medium Area£180
Major Area£220

Keloid scar

What is a Keloid scar?

A keloid scar is a kind of raised scar that stays on your skin even after a cut, burn, or acne has healed. You can't make it go away completely, but there are treatments that can make it look better. Keloid scars usually show up a few weeks to years after your skin gets hurt or injured.

How is a Keloid scar treated?

They are removed surgically under local anaesthetic. The anaesthetic is used to numb the area around the cyst before it's cut out. You'll have a small scar around the widest length of the scar.

What is the cost of treatment?

Consultation with a Consultant Plastic Surgeon£100
Steroid Injection Treatment (if done on the same day)£300
Additional Steroid Injection Treatment£250