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Hand Surgery

Hand Surgery at Kliniken in Harrogate, also known as one-day hand surgery or single-visit hand surgery, is sometimes needed to repair broken bones, tendons, and ligaments, correct deformities, and improve overall hand function. Your hands play a vital role in your daily life, and when something hinders your ability to use them, it can impact your overall quality of life. We specialise in hand trauma surgery with minimally invasive procedures performed under local anaesthetic for minimal downtime and quicker recovery. Whether you’re dealing with pain, restricted mobility, or long-term discomfort, our experienced team is here to help with lasting results.


How much does Hand Surgery cost?

Surgical Time

Approximately 2 hours


From £2150

Day Case



Local anaesthetic OR Arm Block

Time off work

1 week

Time before showering

10 days

Hand Conditions We Treat:

The team at our hand surgery clinic corrects a variety of conditions affecting the hand that cause swelling, lumps, pain, and clicking digits. Here’s a breakdown of common conditions and the procedures available:

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Nerve Pain 

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure on the median nerve in your wrist, often resulting in numbness, tingling, and weakness. Our one-day surgery releases the pressure on the nerve through a small incision, improving hand function and alleviating discomfort.

Trigger Finger 

If your finger or thumb gets stuck in a bent position, you may be experiencing trigger finger. This condition occurs when the flexor tendon becomes caught in a narrowed sheath. Our procedure releases the affected tendon to restore smooth motion.

Flexor Sheath Ganglions 

A ganglion cyst within the flexor sheath can cause discomfort or limit function. During the procedure, the cyst is removed through a minimally invasive technique, which relieves pressure and restores hand mobility.

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis 

This condition involves pain and swelling around the base of the thumb, often caused by repetitive movements. Our surgery relieves pressure on the inflamed tendons using a minimally invasive approach, reducing discomfort and improving thumb functionality.

Ganglion Excision 

Ganglion cysts commonly form at joints or tendons, potentially causing pain or irritation. During ganglion excision surgery, the cyst is removed entirely with a small incision, providing relief and preventing recurrence.

Dupuytren’s Contracture/Nodules 

Dupuytren’s contracture occurs when thickened tissue in the palm pulls fingers into a bent position. Depending on the severity, we offer specialised treatment to release the affected tissue, improving flexibility and restoring hand movement.

Why Choose Kliniken for Hand Surgery?

Choosing us as your hand specialist means you’ll receive effective care with minimal disruption to your daily life. Here’s why patients place their trust in us:

  • Consultations – Generous hour-long consultations to discuss the best solution
  • Simple Process – A quick phone discussion, sending photos, asking questions, and visiting the clinic for treatment can be completed in the same day.
  • Great Location – The countryside and clean air help you rest and recuperate.
  • Personal Touch – The same clinician assigned to you from start to finish of your treatment.
  • Attentive Care Plan – Personalised and attentive care throughout the surgery.
  • Privacy & Discretion – Privacy and discretion of our clients are paramount.


Our UK trained and qualified surgeons are here to help

Frequently Asked Questions

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Patients can typically have the hand surgery procedures performed and go home the same day, typically done in a two-hour window.

Patients can have the procedure under local anaesthetic or injections to numb the entire arm also called arm blocks.  

The relevant area of the hand is treated and the skin is closed with non-dissolving stitches and a dressing to protect the wound and hand.

The group most likely to benefit from the one day hand surgery service are those who have conditions affecting the hand including:

  • Nerve pain (carpal tunnel syndrome)
  • Clicking digits with lumps on the hand or painful movements (Trigger finger, Flexor sheath ganglions, De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis)
  • Swellings on the hand (Ganglion excision, Dupuytren’s contracture/nodules)
  • Digits held in a bent position (Dupuytren’s contracture/nodules)

Before attending, clients fill out the information about their medical history to help organise relevant tests including COVID PCR. 

In the clinic, our UK-trained hand surgery specialist surgeons make a full assessment of the client’s condition.

This includes any relevant history, including reasons for surgery and a thorough examination which may include the hands, arms and neck.

Part of this process is explaining to the client what can be done, why, and what to expect, based on each clients’ anatomy and suitability for surgery.

The clients will be tested by a neurophysiologist if needed, checked for suitability for surgery by a member of the anaesthetic team and prepared for safety checking for surgery.

Once the surgery is complete, the patients are met by the physiotherapists with a specialist interest in hand operations.  

The client is given advice for what to expect after surgery, and what exercises to do.

Patients are also seen 10 days following surgery where stitches are taken out by the same physiotherapist and the hand movement assessed.  

If any issues occur, the physiotherapists are available to deal with queries. Those who may need further support are offered the option to book further sessions with the physiotherapists.

Depending on the initial problem, patients may see an immediate improvement, especially with lumps and bumps. 

Those with nerve and joint problems typically need a number of weeks as swelling increases for the first 48 hours and then gradually settles down.

A common theme in NHS or private care is the number of occasions patients have to visit the hospital in order to be seen, assessed, tested, obtain the results of the test, have surgery, and then follow up and physiotherapy. 

Each part typically needs one visit each. The conditions that can be treated in the one-day hand surgery service can typically be treated on the NHS. 

However, due to COVID, non-cancer conditions are being treated as lower priority resulting in waiting times.

Find Out if Hand Trauma Surgery Is Right for You

When discomfort or dysfunction in your hands starts to interfere with your life, contact Kliniken to schedule a hand surgery consultation at our offices across Yorkshire in Harrogate, Huddersfield, Doncaster, and surrounding areas. Our one-day hand surgeries combine advanced techniques and compassionate treatment to deliver exceptional outcomes and bring function back to your hands while reducing discomfort.


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